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Boarding Kennels

Boarding kennels provide a loving home away from home for our furry friends. At Wolf Laundry, we understand that maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is crucial for the well-being of the dogs in your care. Our laundry solutions are designed with the unique needs of boarding kennels in mind, ensuring that every wagging tail enjoys the best of comfort and cleanliness.

Challenges Faced by Boarding Kennels

  • Dog Hair Clogs Machines: We know that dog hair can be a challenge to deal with. It has a knack for clogging up machines, causing unnecessary headaches. That’s why we recommend and supply gravity drain machines where possible, making the removal of hair and debris a breeze.
  • Big Enough Drum for Dog Beds: Dog beds come in various shapes and sizes, and they need machines that can handle them without compromise. Wolf Laundry provides machines with ample drum capacity to ensure that even the largest dog beds are thoroughly cleaned.
  • Reliable Service: In the world of boarding kennels, reliability is everything. You need laundry equipment that delivers consistent results and stands up to heavy use.
  • Volume: Kennels can have high laundry volumes, especially during peak seasons. You need laundry solutions that can handle the load efficiently.

Why Choose Wolf Laundry for Your Boarding Kennel?

  1. Gravity Drain Machines: Our laundry equipment is equipped with gravity drain systems, specifically recommended for dog hair-heavy environments. This ensures that dog hair and debris are efficiently removed, preventing clogs and reducing maintenance.
  2. Ample Drum Capacity: We understand that dog beds can be large and bulky. Our machines are designed to accommodate these beddings, ensuring they are thoroughly cleaned and refreshed.
  3. Uncompromising Service: At Wolf Laundry, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch service. Our laundry machines are known for their reliability, ensuring that your boarding kennel operations run smoothly, day in and day out.
  4. High Volume Solutions: We offer laundry solutions that can handle high volumes without breaking a sweat. No matter how busy your kennel gets, Wolf Laundry has the capacity to meet your laundry needs.
  5. Compliance and Safety: Safety and compliance are paramount. All of our machines comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 and Health & Safety guidance. This ensures our machines meet water board requirements and create a safe environment for both dogs and staff.

At Wolf Laundry, we understand that your boarding kennel’s success relies on maintaining a clean and hygienic environment. Our laundry solutions are engineered to meet these needs, providing you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing every dog’s comfort is in good hands.

Ready to Enhance Your Boarding Kennel Laundry Efficiency?

Contact Wolf Laundry today to discuss your unique requirements. Discover how our tailored laundry solutions can elevate the cleanliness and hygiene of your boarding kennel, providing dogs with a comfortable and inviting stay. With Wolf Laundry, you can focus on what you do best – providing a loving and clean home for our canine companions.

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