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Reduce Allergy Symptoms with Superior Laundry Equipment

May 2, 2024 / Wolf News / Care Home News / Hospital News

For care home residents and hospital patients who suffer from pollen allergies, the spring and summer months can be particularly challenging. Sneezing, itchy eyes, and other uncomfortable symptoms can greatly affect their quality of life. However, one often overlooked solution to help alleviate these symptoms is the use of advanced commercial laundry equipment, such as the Schulthess Topline range.

The Schulthess Topline range of commercial washing machines are designed with unique features that specifically target allergens, making them ideal for settings like hospitals and care homes. One standout feature is the antibac cycle available on their washers and dryers. On the washing machines, this cycle includes longer rinse cycles which are crucial for thoroughly removing pollens, dust mites, and other common allergens from clothing, bed linens, and towels. Ensuring that these items are free from allergens can significantly reduce the symptoms experienced by residents and patients.

Similarly, the Schulthess Topline tumble dryers enhance this process with an antibac cycle that incorporates additional cool air phases. This is designed to eliminate any remaining pathogens and allergens that might still be present after washing. This double defence against allergens ensures that patients and residents are not exposed to irritants that could exacerbate their allergy symptoms.

Beyond using advanced laundry equipment, care homes and hospitals can adopt several other strategies to help residents cope with hay fever in line with suggestions from Allergy UK:

  1. Regular Dusting and Vacuuming: Keeping common areas and individual rooms dust-free can minimise the presence of pollen indoors.
  2. Air Filtration: Installing air purifiers with HEPA filters in rooms can help capture pollen and other allergens from the air.
  3. Keeping Windows Closed: During high pollen count days, keeping windows closed can prevent pollen from entering indoor spaces.
  4. Showering Before Bed: Encouraging residents and patients to shower before bed if possible, can help remove pollen from skin and hair, reducing overnight exposure.

Another effective way to combat allergies in care homes is by using an Ozone room sanitiser. This device releases ozone, a type of oxygen that cleans the air and surfaces by destroying allergens, bacteria, and viruses. The ozone works quickly to make the environment safer and more comfortable for residents with allergies. By frequently using this technology, hospitals and care homes can ensure their living spaces are cleaner and healthier, providing significant relief to residents sensitive to pollen and other airborne irritants. This method offers a straightforward and effective way to maintain a fresh and allergen-free environment.

By integrating state-of-the-art laundry solutions like the Schulthess machines and implementing these additional measures, hospitals and care homes can provide a safer, more comfortable environment for residents suffering from pollen allergies.

Contact our team of experts today to discuss your specific commercial laundry requirements: 0330 053 0192