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Coin vs. Cashless: What is the Best Choice for Housing Residents?

September 9, 2024 / Wolf News / Social Housing News

When it comes to outfitting laundry rooms in multi-housing communities like sheltered housing schemes, assisted living facilities and housing associations, choosing the right payment system is crucial. 

The debate between coin-operated and cashless laundry machines is ongoing, with both options offering distinct benefits. However, rather than choosing one over the other, the best solution might be to offer both options to meet the diverse needs of residents. 

The Benefits of Coin-Operated Laundry Machines

  • 1. Familiarity and Ease of Use
    Coin-operated machines have been around for over 50 years, making them a familiar choice for many residents. There’s no learning curve; users simply insert coins and start their laundry. This simplicity can be especially beneficial for older residents or those who may not be comfortable with digital payment methods.
  • 2. No Need for Internet Connectivity
    Coin-operated machines are entirely offline, meaning they don’t rely on internet connections or digital infrastructure. This can be a significant advantage in areas with unreliable internet access or in buildings where installing Wi-Fi might be challenging.
  • 3. Immediate Payment
    With coin-operated machines, residents pay for their laundry as they use it, which can be more manageable for those who prefer to avoid digital payments or don’t have bank accounts. This method also provides a straightforward revenue stream for property managers.
  • 4. Low Maintenance
    Coin-operated machines are relatively low-maintenance from a technical standpoint. There’s no need to manage software updates or deal with the complexities of a digital system. Maintenance typically involves emptying coin boxes and ensuring the machines are in working order.

The Advantages of Cashless Laundry Systems

  • 1. Convenience and Flexibility
    Cashless systems, which may include card payments, mobile apps, or online accounts, offer unparalleled convenience. Residents can pay using credit or debit cards, mobile wallets, or even preloaded laundry cards, eliminating the need to carry coins or have the correct change. This flexibility is particularly appealing to tech-savvy users and younger residents who are accustomed to digital transactions.
  • 2. Enhanced Security
    Cashless systems reduce the risk of theft, both from the machines themselves and from residents carrying cash. With digital payments, there’s no need for residents to handle money in the laundry room, which enhances safety and security.
  • 3. Data and Reporting
    Cashless systems often come with built-in data tracking and reporting features, allowing property managers to monitor machine usage, track revenue, and even identify maintenance needs before they become issues. This data can be invaluable for optimising laundry room operations and enhancing service offerings.
  • 4. Promotions and Incentives
    Digital systems allow for the implementation of loyalty programs, discounts, and special offers, which can encourage more frequent use and increase resident satisfaction. For example, managers can offer discounts during off-peak hours or run promotions for residents who use the laundry room frequently.

Why a Hybrid Approach Might Be the Best Solution

Given the distinct advantages of both coin-operated and cashless laundry systems, offering both options could be the optimal solution for housing communities. Here’s why:

  • 1. Meeting Diverse Resident Needs
    A hybrid system caters to the diverse preferences of your residents. Some may prefer the traditional coin-operated machines, while others might find the convenience of cashless systems more appealing. By providing both, you ensure that all residents have a payment option that suits their lifestyle.
  • 2. Enhancing Resident Satisfaction
    Flexibility is key to resident satisfaction. By offering both coin and cashless options, you demonstrate a commitment to meeting the needs of your community. This can lead to higher satisfaction rates, better retention, and more positive word-of-mouth referrals.
  • 3. Increased Revenue Potential
    Offering multiple payment methods can increase overall usage of the laundry facilities. Residents who might otherwise avoid the laundry room due to a lack of coins or a preference for cashless payments will now have no barriers to using the machines. This can result in increased revenue and more efficient use of the laundry facilities.
  • 4. Future-Proofing Your Operations
    As the world continues to shift toward digital payments, having a cashless option in place ensures that your laundry facilities remain relevant and accessible to future residents. At the same time, maintaining coin-operated machines accommodates those who may be slower to adopt new technologies.


When it comes to laundry operations in housing communities, the choice between coin and cashless payment systems doesn’t have to be an either-or decision. Both options offer unique benefits that cater to different resident needs. By offering a combination of coin-operated and cashless machines, you can provide a flexible, inclusive, and convenient laundry experience for all residents. This hybrid approach not only enhances resident satisfaction but also maximises the efficiency and profitability of your laundry operations.