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Why commercial laundry equipment is more essential than ever

December 14, 2021 / Wolf News

It’s fair to say that no sector has been left unaffected by the Coronavirus pandemic. The impact has been felt profoundly across all industries and will continue to be so for some time.

Businesses have had to think outside of the box to survive, adapting quickly to new ways of thinking and working.

Much has changed and, yes, it’s hoped we are slowly returning to normal – but one thing that’s unlikely to alter? The increased focus placed on cleanliness, hygiene and reducing the spread of infection.

As leading providers of commercial laundry equipment, here at Wolf Laundry, we’ve long understood the importance of quality laundry and warewashing systems. But, as attention the world over turns to upping washing levels to help fight the virus, the question is, can your business keep up with demand? 

Helping in the fight against Coronavirus

In the early days of the pandemic, you’d have been forgiven for thinking it was just the healthcare profession under intense pressure, with unprecedented quantities of washing to avoid cross-contamination.

Now though, the expectation is real across all industries. From the hard-hit hospitality sector to the ‘bubble’ conscious school environment, no area is excluded from the need to minimise risk and maximise protection.

As the government strapline goes, it’s essential we all ‘do our bit’. Be that by upping washing rotas or increasing access to laundry machines. Which is why it’s essential your business has commercial laundry equipment that can rise to the challenge.

Buying or renting laundry equipment

If you’ve already recognised the increased need for quality commercial laundry equipment, it’s likely you’ll be keen to make your purchase quickly. But before you rush in, there are several common mistakes to avoid, to help ensure you get the most out of your investment…

  • Buying cheap

Yes, price is important – but more crucial? Value for money.

It’s essential to seek out competitive, cost-effective laundry equipment that is durable, hard-wearing and able to keep pace with the demands placed upon it. And let’s not forget, it needs to offer a great clean too!

  • Skipping maintenance and servicing

If you’re going to get the most out of your laundry equipment, then it’s essential to keep up-to-date with maintenance and servicing. This will not only ensure your machines are safe to use, but that they are working at their optimum efficiency to provide you with the best possible results.

Renting or buying equipment from a specialist company able to offer regular servicing can be a big advantage. Helping to nip any potential problems in the bud, and saving you the time, expense and hassle of future downtime.

  • Forgetting to get Gas Safety Registered

As a business, it’s your responsibility to ensure any gas appliance, flue or pipework is installed to meet safety standards and that you are fully compliant with current health and safety laws. But with so much else to focus on, it can be easy to forget!

By working with a specialist supplier of laundry equipment – such as us – you can rest assured that all machines will be fitted to ensure a maximum safety. Our Gas Safety Registered engineers will also provide a certificate for your records.

Talk to the laundry experts

One machine or hundreds – regardless of the size of your operation we can deliver the ideal laundry solution for your needs. So why not make worries about infection control or keeping pace with demand, a thing of the past and talk to our team of experts today?

Not only can we supply equipment to meet all of your laundry and warewashing needs but we can offer ongoing support, maintenance and repairs too!