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How to make commercial laundry more eco-friendly

December 7, 2022 / Wolf News

Keen to boost your business’ green credentials in 2023?

You’re not on your own.

Over recent years the commercial world has massively upped its game when it comes to sustainability.

With growing pressure for companies to adapt to more viable methods, being able to demonstrate a commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices is becoming increasingly essential for success and credibility.

So, as we head into a new year, here the team at Wolf take a closer look at why resolving to make your commercial laundry more eco-friendly, makes great (and green!) business sense. 

The business benefits

Research shows that 83% of businesses see sustainability as a business opportunity, with a massive 72% believing the current focus on sustainability is set to be a lasting trend.

And it’s easy to see why. A more eco-efficient commercial laundry set-up can:

–          Protect the environment

Before anything else, this is the big one. Any action that reduces negative impacts on the environment is hugely beneficial.

–          Improve efficiency

With more energy-efficient equipment, you can expect quicker wash and drying times. And faster turnaround means increased productivity.

–          Reduce energy bills

With modern, energy-efficient machines not only can you expect wash and drying times to be reduced but water consumption will be too. Great for the environment and even better for your water and electricity bills.

–          Enhance reputation

Taking environmental responsibility is big business these days and being able to demonstrate that you take your responsibilities seriously – and are working towards reducing your environmental impact – will go a long way to promote a positive reputation and public profile.

–          Boost your workforce

A happy workforce is a productive workforce. Invest in efficient, easy-to-use equipment that enhances rather than hinders the day job and you’ll have a more contented team.

Not just this though, for many workers, particularly the younger generations, an environmental focus is important. By being able to showcase your green ambitions and evidence a sustainability strategy, you’re more likely to entice – and retain – valuable employees. 

How to achieve sustainable commercial laundry

The benefits of operating a more sustainable laundry set-up are clear. To achieve it, you need to look out for:

–          Outdated equipment

Your equipment may be old and faithful but reliability aside, it could actually be doing you a disservice.

Older machines are typically less efficient, taking longer to complete a cycle and using far more energy to do so. Switch to a modern commercial washer or dryer and you will instantly reduce energy consumption. 

When it comes to energy ratings A+++ is the most efficient, this runs through to D (the least efficient). Any new machines coming onto the market must be rated A+ or above. Take a look at your current model. If you’ve had it a long time, chances are it’s woefully inefficient and causing you to burn energy needlessly.

–          Water-saving technology

It’s not just power that is overused with antiquated equipment – it’s water too! Updating your commercial washing machine will dramatically lower water wastage as they come with built-in superior water-saving technology. This will significantly reduce water usage, lower running costs and energy bills and have a positive impact on the environment.

–          Cycle choice

Modern machines come with more flexibility and choice built in – allowing you to select the most appropriate cycle for your needs. With everything from ‘mangle moist’ to ‘extra dry’ for tumble dryers and adaptable cycles for washing machines (fine-tune spin cycles, soak duration and wash temperatures), you can be confident of using the most energy-efficient programme for every use.

–          Noise reduction

Can nothing else be heard above the sound of your spin cycle? Modern machines have excellent noise insulation, minimising the impact and disturbance on those nearby – look out for information on noise output when you’re sourcing new equipment.

–          Servicing options

To maintain an environmentally friendly laundry set-up, investing in modern energy-efficient machines isn’t enough – you need to make sure they stay that way!

To do this, it’s important to sign up for a comprehensive servicing package. This will ensure machinery is well maintained and continues to operate efficiently without burning unnecessary energy.

Go green

Time to update your laundry equipment? Keen to make more sustainable and environmentally friendly choices where you can? Then talk to the team here at Wolf Laundry.

With a wide range of modern commercial washing machines and tumble dyers available, you can be confident of choosing from only the most energy, time, and cost-efficient equipment on the market.

So what are you waiting for? As the new year approaches, now is a great time to make a fresh start and pledge a commitment to the environment. Take a look at the products we have available now or for help and advice sourcing the right equipment for your business needs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.