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Industrial VS Commercial

September 25, 2024 / Wolf News

When it comes to selecting laundry equipment for businesses, the terms “industrial” and “commercial” often come up. While these words might seem interchangeable, they generally refer to different scales of laundry operations. However, it’s important to note that interpretations can vary depending on the company or industry. At Wolf Laundry, for example, we define commercial laundry equipment as boasting a 10-28kg capacity, while industrial laundry equipment refers to machines with larger than 28kg capacities.

Let’s break down the general differences between these two types of laundry machines and how they fit into various sectors.

What Is Commercial Laundry Equipment?

Commercial laundry machines are typically designed for businesses that handle moderate laundry volumes. These machines can range from those used in smaller-scale operations like hotels, care homes, and gyms to larger businesses like laundromats or apartment complexes.

Capacity Range: Typically between 10 to 28kg

Target Market: Hotels, care homes, restaurants, and gyms.

Key Features: 

  •    Durability for frequent use but not as rugged as industrial machines.
  •    Flexibility in handling a variety of fabrics.
  •    Available in sizes suitable for smaller spaces.
  •    May have programmable settings for different wash cycles.

Usage: Designed for several loads per day but not operating around the clock.

Cost: Generally more affordable than industrial machines due to smaller capacities and less heavy-duty design.

What Is Industrial Laundry Equipment?

Industrial laundry machines, on the other hand, are intended for high-volume, continuous operation. They are built to handle large loads and tough conditions, making them suitable for industries that require bulk laundry processing or operate 24/7.

Capacity Range: Machines with capacities larger than 28kg.

Target Market: Hospitals, hotels, factories, commercial laundries, and textile manufacturers.

Key Features:

  • Built for extreme durability and continuous use.
  • Equipped with advanced features like thermal disinfection cycles, moisture control, and
    high-capacity drying.
  • Capable of handling large, bulk items like linens, towels, and uniforms.
  • Stronger internal components designed for long-term use.

Usage: Ideal for businesses where machines operate **non-stop** and process heavy-duty loads.

Cost: Higher initial investment due to the size, durability, and advanced features.

Overlap and Flexibility

While there is a general distinction, the line between commercial and industrial laundry equipment is not always clear-cut. The size and type of your business might dictate what’s considered “commercial” or “industrial.” For example:

  • A small hospital might opt for commercial equipment if they have fewer beds and lower laundry volumes.
  • A larger hotel with hundreds of rooms may choose industrial machines to keep up with constant demand.

This flexibility is essential for businesses to choose the right equipment based on specific needs, rather than rigid definitions.

Why Understanding the Difference Matters

  • 1. Capacity Needs: Depending on how much laundry your facility processes daily, you need to choose equipment that can handle the load without overburdening or underutilizing the machine.
  • 2. Operational Demands: If your laundry operation runs 24/7 industrial equipment might be more suitable for the task. However, if you only need a few loads processed each day, a commercial-grade machine will likely meet your needs.
  • 3. Longevity and Durability: Industrial machines are designed for tough conditions and longer lifespans. They are built to withstand heavier use, whereas commercial equipment might wear out faster under the same conditions.
  • 4. Budget Considerations: Although industrial machines tend to have a higher upfront cost, they are an investment for facilities that require constant, heavy-duty laundry operations. For smaller operations, a commercial machine might be the better cost-effective solution.

Choosing the Right Equipment for Your Business

At Wolf Laundry, we help businesses of all sizes determine the right type of laundry equipment for their needs. Whether you operate a care home that needs reliable commercial machines or run a hotel that requires industrial-grade equipment to manage a high turnover of linens, understanding your laundry demands is key.


While the terms “commercial” and “industrial” laundry equipment have different connotations, the right choice depends on your facility’s needs, workload, and operational scale. 

Feel free to reach out to our team at Wolf Laundry for tailored advice on what type of equipment best suits your requirements!