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Summer Shedding: Managing Animal Hair in Bedding, Towels, and More

July 29, 2024 / Wolf News / Hospitality

As the warmth of summer rolls in, many animals begin to shed their thick winter coats. While this natural process helps them stay cool, it can pose significant challenges for farms, veterinary clinics, boarding kennels, and equine stables when it comes to managing animal hair in bedding, towels, and other laundry items.

Understanding Summer Shedding

Shedding is a natural process that many animals go through to adapt to changing seasons. During winter, animals develop thicker coats to keep warm, and as temperatures rise in the summer, they shed these coats to stay cool. This process is common among a wide variety of animals, including:

  • Sheep: Naturally shed their winter coats as the weather warms
  • Cattle: Cows shed their dense winter hair to avoid overheating.
  • Goats: Many goat breeds undergo noticeable moulting periods.
  • Horses: Horses lose their heavy winter coats in the spring and summer.
  • Dogs and Cats: Common pets also shed heavily, particularly long-haired breeds.

While shedding is essential for animal comfort, it creates additional challenges for those managing animal care facilities.

The Impact of Shedding on Laundry

The influx of animal hair during shedding season can significantly affect the laundry process in various settings:

  • 1. Farms: Bedding, blankets, and towels used for livestock can become clogged with hair, making it difficult to clean and maintain hygiene standards.
  • 2. Veterinary Clinics: Examining and treating animals often results in hair-covered towels and bedding, complicating the laundry routine.
  • 3. Boarding Kennels: With multiple animals shedding at once, kennels must manage large volumes of hair in their laundry.
  • 4. Equine Stables: Horse blankets, saddle pads, and grooming towels accumulate hair, requiring extra effort to clean.

Why Effective Laundry equipment is Crucial

Every business is different; a dairy farm’s laundry needs will be entirely different to a veterinary practice. It is important you pick the right machine for your business. That’s why, we’ve put together our top recommendations and overall advice for each animal focused sector.

Our Advice for Boarding Kennels

Our Advice for Veterinary Practices

Our Advice for Equines

Our Advice for Dairy Farms

Tips for Managing Animal Hair in Laundry

1. Pre-Laundry Preparation:

Shake and Brush: Before washing, shake out bedding and towels outside to remove as much hair as possible. Use a brush or lint roller to further eliminate loose hair.

Vacuum: Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove hair from fabrics before placing them in the washing machine.

2. Laundry Equipment Maintenance:

Clean Filters Regularly: Hair can clog washing machine and dryer filters, reducing efficiency and potentially causing damage. Clean filters frequently to prevent buildup.

Professional Servicing: Schedule professional maintenance to keep your laundry equipment in top condition, especially during high-shedding seasons. Browse our service packages here.

3. Washing and Drying Techniques:

Use Liquid Fabric Softener: This can help loosen hair from fabrics, making it easier to remove during washing and drying.

Dryer Balls: Add dryer balls to the tumble dryer. They help to agitate fabrics, loosening hair and allowing it to be captured in the lint trap.


Managing animal hair in bedding, towels, and other laundry items is a significant challenge during the summer shedding season. By implementing these tips and maintaining a proactive approach, farms, veterinary clinics, boarding kennels, and equine stables can ensure their laundry processes remain efficient and hygienic. Embrace the shedding season with confidence, knowing you have the strategies to tackle the extra hair load and maintain a clean, comfortable environment for your animals.