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Sustainable Laundry Practices for Social Housing Schemes

April 22, 2024 / Wolf News / Social Housing News

In the social housing sector, there’s a growing opportunity to lead the way in sustainability, particularly within laundry operations. Adopting greener laundry practices not only supports the environment but also aids in managing operational costs effectively, making it a win-win for housing associations and their residents. Especially for Earth Day 2024, here are some tailored steps for social housing providers looking to enhance their laundry services with Wolf Laundry.

  • Introduce Water-Saving Technologies: Integrating systems that recycle and reuse laundry water can drastically cut down on consumption, aligning with water conservation efforts and reducing utility bills.
  • Select Energy-Efficient Tumble Dryers: Energy-saving dryers such as those in the Schulthess Topline range, available through Wolf Laundry, can significantly lower electricity usage and contribute to a reduction in the carbon footprint of housing communities.
  • Shift to Environmentally Friendly Detergents: Choosing eco-safe laundry detergents such as the Flow range minimises the environmental impact of cleaning processes while keeping linens fresh and clean for residents.
  • Educate Residents and Staff: Providing training on eco-friendly laundry practices can empower both staff and residents to contribute to sustainability efforts, fostering a community committed to green living.
  • Minimise the Use of Chemicals: Reducing reliance on harsh laundry chemicals and exploring gentler alternatives from the Flow range protects the environment and ensures a safe, clean laundry solution for residents.
  • Upgrade Laundry Equipment: Upgrading to high-efficiency washing machines such as the StarLine range from Schulthess enables more efficient laundry processing with reduced water and energy consumption.
  • Promote Efficient Laundry Habits: Encouraging the practice of running only full laundry loads improves machine efficiency and conserves resources.
  • Implement Cold Water Washing Programs: Advocating for the use of cold water in laundry operations can lead to considerable energy savings by eliminating the need for water heating.
  • Commit to Regular Maintenance: Regularly servicing laundry equipment ensures it operates efficiently, extends equipment lifespan, and upholds sustainability practices. OneCare from Wolf provides brand new equipment, fully maintained and serviced for one single monthly payment.
  • Track and Enhance Environmental Efforts: Continuously monitoring and reporting on the environmental performance of laundry operations allows for setting and achieving impactful sustainability goals.

By embracing these strategies, social housing providers can play a critical role in promoting environmental sustainability. Wolf Laundry is ready to support this journey, offering eco-friendly laundry solutions that benefit both the community and the planet.