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Handling Increased Linen Turnover with Fluctuating Temperatures in Healthcare Facilities

August 21, 2024 / Wolf News / Care Home News / Hospital News

Healthcare facilities are under constant pressure to maintain a clean and safe environment, and one of the most critical aspects of this responsibility is managing the turnover of linens. 

Recently the summer heat is starting to dwindle, meaning cooler and milder periods are on the horizon. This drop in temperature directly impacts the demand for linens in healthcare settings, creating new challenges for laundry services. 

The Impact of Temperature Fluctuations on Linen Demand

When temperatures drop, the demand for heavier items like duvets, blankets, and additional clothing layers—such as jumpers—skyrockets.

This shift in demand can be particularly challenging for healthcare facilities to manage. Sudden temperature changes can result in an unexpected surge in the need for specific types of linens, leading to potential shortages or overstocking of items that are not currently needed. Moreover, facilities must ensure that they are prepared to handle the increased laundering requirements for these additional textiles, which can strain their resources.

How to maintain demands:

  • 1. Invest in reliable appliances: Before the sun officially says goodbye for another year, take this opportunity to refresh your care home’s laundry room. Invest in commercial appliances that are built to withstand heavy usage and boast advanced wash and dry features to turn laundry loads around quickly.
  • 2. Smart Laundry Systems: Utilising smart laundry systems such as Servicemaster, can help care homes stay on top of machine health; reducing downtime and delays. Get an overview on all machine cycles and overall machine health, ensuring linens are washed on time with no surprise interruptions.
  • 3. Sustainable Laundry Practices: To manage the increased laundering requirements, healthcare facilities should consider adopting more sustainable practices. This could include using
    energy-efficient washing machines, recycling water where possible, and exploring eco-friendly detergent options.
  • 4. Staff Training and Protocols: Properly training staff on efficient linen handling and laundering protocols can help minimise waste and ensure that linens are being used and cleaned appropriately. Clear guidelines on when linens should be changed based on patient needs and temperature conditions can prevent unnecessary turnover and reduce strain on laundry resources.


The fluctuating temperatures and resulting increased linen turnover present a significant challenge for healthcare facilities. By adopting strategic approaches to inventory management, supply chain flexibility, and sustainable practices, facilities can effectively manage these demands while maintaining high standards of hygiene and patient care. As climate patterns continue to evolve, proactive linen management will be essential in ensuring healthcare facilities can adapt and continue to provide safe and comfortable environments for all.