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Andy Vinall

Trade Sales

Andy, Trade Sales Manager

A bit about your role? 

I develop and maintain sales to trade customer and dealing with our larger laundry partners.  

Any professional qualifications? 

City & Guilds in electrical and mechanical engineering, Diploma in Marketing. 

Why do you like your job? And Wolf? 

Josh & Dan are two of the best people you could wish to work for. 

Before Wolf? 

Started my career as an apprentice service engineer in 1982 with Goodman Sparks, moved into a sales role with them in 1990, in 2001 moved to be Sales Manager at ALS, 2005 HJ Weir, manufacturer of industrial laundry equipment, 2009 JLA, ASM.  Joined Wolf in October 2011. 

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of? 

Being part of Wolf growing from 4 employees to over 100. 

Describe your career in three words? 

Better than expected. 

Favourite / funniest memory from your career so far?  

Jamie winning the Christmas jumper race, astonishing speed for a short guy! 

Tell us more about yourself: What do you like to do in your free time?  

I’m married to Suzanne and have 2 sons, Sam & Harrison, a stepson and stepdaughter, Harley & Pia. Also, 2 dogs and a cat. I love spending time at our static on the east coast, socialising with family & friends and travelling. 

What’s your passion?  

I played cricket to a decent standard until I was 50, now play golf.  I love skiing. 

Give a lesser known fact about yourself?  

Once had the chance to become a professional ski guide! Turned it down because I’m an idiot!