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Jamie Billcliffe

Finance Director

A bit about your role?

I run the finance team, managing a team of 5 people. I oversee all of the group accounts, and managing financing of additional projects such as mergers and acquisitions.

Why do you like your job? And Wolf?  

I work with a great group of people and that makes my job really enjoyable.

Before Wolf?

I did an accountancy apprenticeship at a firm in Pontefract which did the accounts for Wolf. After being involved in the company accounts, Dan and Josh asked if I’d like to work for them and I became Finance Manager. I’ve now been with the company for 7 years and the team has grown from just me to six people.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

Helping the company to become part of Schulthess and also managing the acquisition and integration of Brewer & Bunney and Pee Gee.

Favourite / funniest memory from your career so far?

It had been Dan’s birthday so we had a load of balloons in the office cupboard. I burst one behind Josh and made him jump so he chased me all over the building and I had to hide for 15 mins until he calmed down!

How would you describe your career in three words?

Lucky, fun, happy

Tell us more about yourself: What do you like to do in your free time?

I’m currently renovating a house which takes up a lot of my time outside of work. I have a sausage dog called Dexter.

What’s your passion?  

I love football, and watch my team, Leeds Utd whenever I can!

Give a lesser known fact about yourself?

I can do a headstand for over half an hour.