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Joe Benton

Project Manager

A bit about your role?

My focus is making new things work within the business. I work with all teams to solve problems, develop processes and keep things moving.

Why do you like your job? And Wolf?  

I’ve worked for Wolf for my whole career so it really is like family to me. Every day is different with different challenges.

Before Wolf?

I was at school! I started at Wolf aged 16 and an Apprentice Service Engineer and since then have worked in a number of different roles, including marketing, sales and technical. This has given me a good grounding for my current role as I understand each of the different departments.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

I introduced a new CRM system to the whole business and managed the migration of both Brewer & Bunney and Pee Gee to the system.

How would you describe your career in three words?

Fulfilling, Exciting, Varied

Tell us more about yourself: What do you like to do in your free time?

I live in Leeds but I try to get home regularly to see my parents and their dogs, Merlot and Banrock.

What’s your passion?  

I’m a foodie and one of my favourite things to do is to go out for good food!  

Give a lesser known fact about yourself?

I watch films (even English ones) with subtitles in case I miss something!