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Graeme Ornsby

Head of Field Ops

Graeme Ornsby Head of Field Operations Wolf Laundry

A bit about your role? 

As Head of Field Operations, I am ultimately responsible for the performance management, training, KPI and cost adherence of our external service teams which consist of ROMs, engineers, and installation teams. 

Any professional qualifications? 

IOSH, NEBOSH, commercial laundry & catering gas qualifications and more manufacturer training than I can remember

Why do you like your job?

Variation of tasks, fast-paced environment, and mitigating points of failure.

Before Wolf? 

Originally I trained as an electronics engineer, I moved into repairing white goods then made the transition into commercial laundry with JLA where I stayed for just over 20 years in various roles within Operations.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of? 

The hundreds of people I’ve coached and mentored from all walks of life over the years, to see them go on to bigger and better things makes it all worthwhile.

Describe your career in three words? 

Varied, rewarding, fun!

Favourite / funniest memory from your career so far?  

Far too many to mention and most I’m not willing to commit to print!

Tell us more about yourself: What do you like to do in your free time?  

I have two daughters who I’m immensely proud of, they’ve turned out to be the most wonderful people, I’m married to Angie who shares 99% of the same interests as me which is a bonus! I love to cook, live music is a big part of our social calendar and weather permitting riding my motorbike.

What’s your passion?  

Music, football & motorbikes

Give a lesser known fact about yourself?  

Back in 1999, I appeared in every newspaper and magazine across the UK for about a month as part of the advertising campaign for Comic Relief.